Cannabidiol (CBD) is a relatively new substance that has gained massive popularity here in Canada and indeed the entire Western world. But if you’re unfamiliar with it you may be wonder “what is CBD, why is it used, how is it used, where does it come from?” Here we’ll answer these questions and more.

What is CBD?

CBD Credit Card Processing Merchant Service

CBD Credit Card Processing Merchant Service

Cannabidiol is a substance that is derived from Hemp and/or Cannabis plants. Raphael Mechoulam discovered the 3D structure of CBD. So he’s usually credited as the scientist who discovered Cannabidiol. Research continued in the ’60s on primates and eventually, the first CBD therapeutic oil was released. But only recently with the change in legality of Cannabis and related products has CBD come to the forefront of the health and wellness community. 

Why is CBD Used?

Although there is still much ongoing research regarding CBD for all sorts of therapeutic uses, it is commonly used for a few reasons. It reduces inflammation as an anti-inflammatory, it is an appetite booster, mood booster, energy booster, to name a few. People with chronic pain have been able to get off of dangerous painkillers while still controlling their pain levels with CBD. It has been proven an effective treatment for epilepsy sufferers, especially children. CBD and Cannabis are more popular than ever right now. 

How is CBD Used?

It seems there is always a new way that CBD is being sold and consumed. But there are a few staples: Oil and tinctures for oral consumption or sublingual consumption, creams for massage and pain relief (anti-inflammatory), in smoothies and food as a supplement, as an anti-oxidant, sprays, gummies, pills, inhalable oils, even smokable flowers and more. CBD is quite versatile and tasteless in powder form so it can be added to just about everything.

Who is Selling CBD?

With its popularity, you can find CBD just about anywhere, even at the local gas station in some cases. But this can be a cause for concern. Many of the manufacturers and suppliers use mass-produced Chinese hemp which CBD is extracted from. The problem is that there are fewer regulations regarding what sort of chemicals can be used in agriculture and this leads to a higher level of contamination in Chinese-based CBD products. 

So you should be looking carefully at any CBD you are considering. Ask a few key questions:

  • Where is the CBD sourced from?
  • Is it certified organic?
  • What is the quality/purity rating?
  • What are others saying about this product online?

Organic locally sourced (North American) CBD has proven itself the best for quality and consistency. After all, wouldn’t a country with legal Cannabis know a thing or two about working with hemp? That’s why Canada is a leading developer of CBD technologies and all things Cannabis. There are also Different Types of CBD.

Sell CBD? One Thing to Keep in Mind

If you are in the business or planning to start selling CBD and other Cannabis or hemp-based products there is one key thing to keep in mind. Make sure you have a qualified merchant service provider for all of your CBD debit and credit card transactions. Large agencies that don’t know you or your business have proven themselves incapable of working with CBD and Cannabis companies for the long term. Despite 100% legality for recreation and medical use, many banks still don’t look at CBD businesses fairly 

For that reason, you should seriously consider changing your CBD Credit Card Processing Merchant Service. Call Stuart today to discuss your business and how we can improve your entire transaction and deposit rates and speed. We are investors in the Cannabis industry for over 15 years, proudly leading the way here in Canada.