The Cannabis industry has multiplied in recent years. One of the great things about this growth is that it isn’t reserved for huge corporate mechanisms that take away all the fun and joy (not to mention the funding). Mom and pop shops are commonplace, and Indigenous communities are part of the industry, not being pushed out of it the way history has with so much of their heritage. It doesn’t make up for the past 200 years, but it puts a foot in the right direction.

Cannabis Dispensaries in Indigenous Communities

help support Indigenous Cannabis Dispensary through qualified Credit Card Processing

Indigenous Dispensary Credit Card Processing

Giving back to the community has always played an important role in Indigenous people’s history. The Cannabis industry is doing just that by creating jobs and better opportunities for people living in Indigenous neighborhoods. More than just farming operations, we’re seeing all levels of the industry taking place in smaller communities. Processing, curing, packaging, sales, and consumption of medical and recreational cannabis is a boon for many folks living in these areas.

Traditionally good, paying jobs and opportunities have been hard to come by. Due to historical circumstances, we can still feel today, and other economic factors, opportunities have been limited for young people in Indigenous areas. But that is changing and for the better. Mostly through the growth of the Cannabis industry and the push to include Indigenous people at the table on all levels. We see that change has an effect.

How Can We Help Indigenous Cannabis Grow?

Depending on where you live, you may be familiar with some of these cannabis dispensaries already. If not, you can search Google for a local dispensary that matches these criteria. In Canada, you have many options for buying cannabis, but you can give back more directly through a small shop or an Indigenous one. 

Awareness is key. We do not want to forget the long history and culture of our communities, and one way to make sure that continues is by supporting those businesses.

Operate a Dispensary in Canada? 

Indigenous Cannabis Dispensary Credit Card Processing is offered by a few different merchant services, but not all of them have the best of intentions. You want to work with a provider that does a few key things:

  • Best rates for processing
  • no fees for card readers
  • next day direct deposit
  • cash management systems
  • long track record
  • specialize in Indigenous merchant services

Not all providers will meet these basic criteria, so you should reconsider where you are focusing. 

Brother Processing Specializes in Indigenous Dispensaries

We’re proud to be leading the way when it comes to merchant services for Indigenous-owned and operated cannabis shops. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions, and let’s discuss your processing needs today.